William Shakespeare: As You Like It
(Act I. Scene 3. 90–138. or 87–135.)

O my poor Rosalind! Whither wilt thou go?
Wilt thou change fathers? I will give thee mine.
I charge thee be not thou more griev'd than I am.

I have more cause.

Thou hast not, cousin,
Prithee* be cheerful. Know'st thou not the Duke
Hath banish'd me, his daughter?

That he hath not.

No, hath not? Rosalind lacks, then, the love
Which teacheth thee that thou and I am one.
Shall we be sund'red?* Shall we part, sweet girl?
No; let my father seek another heir.
Therefore devise* with me how we may fly,
Whither to go, and what to bear with us;
And do not seek to take your change* upon you,*
To bear your griefs yourself, and leave me out;
For, by this heaven, now at our sorrows pale,*
Say what thou canst, I'll go along with thee.

Why, whither shall we go?

To seek my uncle in the Forest of Arden.

Alas, what danger will it be to us,
Maids as we are, to travel forth so far!
Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold.

I'll put myself in poor and mean attire,
And with a kind of umber* smirch my face;
The like do you. So shall we pass along,
And never stir assailants.

Were it not better,
Because that I am more than common tall,
That I did suit me all points like a man?
A gallant curtle-axe* upon my thigh,
A boar-spear in my hand; and – in my heart
Lie there what hidden woman's fear there will*
We'll have a swashing* and a martial* outside,
As many other mannish cowards have
That do outface it* with their semblances.*

What shall I call thee when thou art a man?

I'll have no worse a name than Jove's own page,
And, therefore, look* you call me Ganymede.
But what will you be call'd?

Something that hath a reference to my state:
No longer Celia, but Aliena.

But, cousin, what if we assay'd* to steal
The clownish fool out of your father's court?
Would he not be a comfort to our travel?

He'll go along o'er the wide world with me;
Leave me alone to woo him. Let's away,
And get our jewels and our wealth together;
Devise* the fittest time and safest way
To hide us from pursuit that will be made
After my flight. Now go we in content
To liberty, and not to banishment.


I prithee [priði:] (archaic) = I pray (you); please (do sth)

devise, plan, work out, invent, think up etc.

related terms and their microcontext:
devise, plan, work out, invent, think out / up etc.; ≼find (a way, a solution etc.); ≼create (a structure, a system etc.); ≼develop (a plan, a method, an instrument, a tool etc.)

I hope you can come up with a better plan than this.
The prisoners came up with a cunning plan to get out of the camp.
The government has already drawn up plans to deal with this kind of emergency.
In her mind, she gradually conceived a plan to kill him.
It had never occurred to him to devise a plan for getting half-crowns.
We need to develop a sound business plan.
By that time I may have found a plan to effect your escape.
Napoleon has also formed his plan by now.
He formed in imagination a new plan of life.
It occurred to Petronius that perhaps Vinicius had formed a new plan to liberate Lygia from the Esquiline dungeon.
A government think-tank has been asked to formulate a plan to tackle the problem.
After mature decision Petronius framed a whole plan for himself.
I like to make plans well in advance.
We have made a plan of campaign founded upon my observations of last night.
The government made ambitious plans for prison reform.
He was trying to think out some plan to distract her attention.
The prisoners tried to think up a plan for escape.
We'll leave it to the committee to work out the details of the plan.

sunder [sʌndə(r)] (sundered [sʌndəd]), separate, divide etc.
Some examples:

change or charge
"There seems to have been continual confusion between 'n' and 'r', in both manuscript and printed texts" of Shakespeare's play.
The meaning is almost the same because in the play the cause of the change (of the life, fate, fortune etc. of Rosalind) was the charge of treason. Both are hard to bear, and therefore Rosalind begged the Duke for detailed explanation of the charge:
"Let me the knowledge of my fault bear with me" (As I. 3. 46/43).
This motif is reflected in the words of Celia when she spoke to Rosalind:
"... devise with me how we may fly, / Whither to go, and what to bear with us" (As I. 3. 100/97)
This may speak out in favour of the word 'charge'. Metaphorically speaking, false charge is a heavy burden which Rosalind should carry on her back, "bear with her". Therefore 'charge' in this context can be interpreted as a 'burden' or 'weight' of trouble to be borne. Moreover, in Shakespeare's works the first meaning of 'charge' is a (metaphorical) 'load' or 'burden'.

pale (pale sky, pale moon, pale twilight etc.) is the symbol of sorrow; e.g.

Stars trembling o'er us and sunset before us,
Mountains in shadow and forests asleep;
Down the dim river we float on forever,
Speak not, ah, breathe not - there's peace on the deep.

Come not, pale sorrow, flee till to-morrow;
Rest softly falling o'er eyelids that weep;
While down the river we float on forever,
Speak not, ah, breathe not - there's peace on the deep.

(Dinah Maria Mulock Craik: In our boat)

other examples:

take sth on/upon oneself; take it on/upon one/oneself to do sth

related terms and their microcontext:
undertake sth; take on sth; face up to sth; accept sth (as a duty or responsibility);

umber [ʌmbə(r)] dye = a dye of brown or brownish colour

curtle-axe = a broad, curving sword

a gallant curtle-axe = a splendid (fine, noble etc.) curtle-axe

in my heart / Lie there what hidden woman's fear there will
"The problematic syntax" of the sentence "may reflect Rosalind's excitement". A possible transformation (as a kind of "translation") of the sentence could be something like this:
(1a) In my heart, no matter what hidden woman's fear might lie (or be, reside, hide etc.) or will be aroused (provoked, stirred up etc.) in the future, there will the fear lie [from this moment on, for ever etc.].
(1b) In my heart what hidden woman's fear you can find, there will it lie [from this moment on, for ever etc.].
Note that the last clause of the transformed sentence follows the syntax e.g. "There will she hide her." (Ado III. 1. 11.) or "There will I stay for thee." (Mids. I. 1. 168.).
Therefore the core meaning of the sentence could be as follows:
(2a) All hidden woman's fear will lie in my heart.
(2b) All woman's fear will lie (or be, reside etc.) hidden in my heart.
Note that the stress is on the adverb 'there' which occurs twice and means 'in my heart'.
When reading the text between dashes, however, the actual (i.e. original) order of the words might suggest a kind of incantation (or, a kind of march):
in my heart
Lie there
what hidden woman's fear
there will

where the semantical gaps should be filled by the readers or listeners themselves.

swashing (archaic); swaggering, hectoring (archaic), ≼boastful; ≺arrogant; dashing, smashing; ≼violent; ≺aggressive;

martial, soldierly, soldierlike, warlike; ≼militant, aggressive; ≺violent, wild

they outface it = they face the matter out with looks; in Rosalind's case, "with looks" means that she was only pretending to have such an attitude
face sth out (phr v) = when they face sth out (e.g. a crisis, a difficult situation, a conflict etc.), they deal with it by behaving firmly or defiantly [szembeszáll vkivel/vmivel; szembenéz a nehézségekkel, problémákkal stb.]

semblance; appearance, show, exterior, form;

look you call me Ganymede = take care or make sure that you call me Ganymede

assay [ə'seɪ]; try, attempt; essay [e'seɪ]

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Boda István, 2022.